The Best Roofing Materials for the Winter Months
Elizabeth Cady Elizabeth Cady

The Best Roofing Materials for the Winter Months

Protecting your home from the winter's harsh weather conditions starts with your roof. Different materials have distinct properties, so some are better than others for standing up to the wear and tear of a rough winter. If you live somewhere prone to cold temperatures and snow, it's important to understand the options available so you can ensure your roof is ready for the climate.

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How Snow and Ice Can Impact Your Roof
Elizabeth Cady Elizabeth Cady

How Snow and Ice Can Impact Your Roof

Every day, people rely on their roofs to protect them and their homes from harsh weather conditions. This is especially true during the colder winter months when inclement weather can strike at any moment.

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Everything You Should Consider With Historic Building Preservation
Elizabeth Cady Elizabeth Cady

Everything You Should Consider With Historic Building Preservation

Saving historic buildings is an admirable endeavor — it's environmentally responsible and helps us to better understand our own heritage. However, it can also be overwhelming if you don't know where to start. In this guide, we'll talk about different ways you can save your historic property, the most important features of a historic building and how to determine your building's historic significance.

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